La escuela y la casa en las que viví no estaban en Oxford, sino en Wheatley, que está a 15-20 minutos en bus, pero después de las clases, que acababan a las 13 (si no hacías el curso intensivo), me iba a Oxford y pasaba la tarde allí.
Las clases son muy dinámicas y nada aburridas. Sobre todo se trabaja speaking, lo cual es genial, porque te ayuda a soltarte y así puedes conocer más a tus compañeros y relacionarte con ellos. Son grupos pequeños, en mi clase éramos 9, pero era la clase con más alumnos.
La familia muy bien también, vivía con una mujer y otra estudiante italiana, y estaba muy a gusto. Además, vivía a 1 minuto de la escuela, lo cual era muy cómodo.
Todas las tardes hay actividades programadas por la escuela, y puedes elegir si quieres ir o no, pero yo recomiendo ir, ya que así te relacionas con la gente y conoces nuevos sitios.
En definitiva, recomiendo a todo el que se lo esté pensando, que no lo dude, ya que la gente y el lugar son maravillosos ¡y te lo pasarás muy bien!”
“I would like to thank the school because it has been a wonderful experience. It was just two weeks, but they were very intense and I met great people. I chose Oxford because I love this city, and after being there for two weeks, I keep thinking it is a wonderful city, with lots of places to visit and go shopping.
The school and the house where I lived weren’t exactly in Oxford, but in Wheatley, which is 15-20 minutes by bus from Oxford, but after class (I finished at 13.00, because I didn’t do the intensive course), I went to Oxford and I spent the afternoon there.
The lessons are very dynamic and funny. We worked especially on speaking, which is great, because it helps you to become more fluent and you can also get to know your classmates better. We studied in small groups (we were 9 in my class).
I was happy with my host family. I lived with a young woman and another Italian student, and it was really nice. Moreover, I lived really close to the school (just one minute walking), which was perfect.
Every afternoon/evening there were programmed social activities, which the social organizer, Isak, prepared. You can choose whether to go or not, but I recommend you to go, because it’s a good way to know new people and new places (and to practise your English!)
In conclusion, I say to anybody who is thinking about going: do not hesitate! The people and the place are great, and you will have a great time!”